You cannot run, you cannot hide. The days of ivory towers and back room conversations are a thing of the past. The lyrics of Kenny Chesney's song "Welcome to the Fishbowl" describes life as if we are living in a fishbowl, clear and transparent for all to see.
While there are many traits that define great leadership, few are more important than transparency. In many ways, transparency largely comes down to being open and honest with team members or anyone else you communicate with.
Of course, that doesn’t mean sharing confidential information. Nor does it mean sharing too much information overwhelming the team. Rather, it’s about sharing the right information with the right people at the right time so the best decision can be made together.
When done right, transparency becomes a key part of any leadership style. It also can create a competitive advantage for a leader.
Three Easy Ways to Increase Transparency
1. Set Clear Expectations
2. Share Failures, Not Just Successes
3. Be Consistent
Being a transparent leader is important when building trust and integrity with team members. Here are a few things to consider as a transparent leader.
1. Openly and honestly share mistakes
2. Collaborate with teammates on key decisions
3. Ask before sharing thoughts and opinions
4. Create an ecosystem of transparency
5. Be an active listener and listen more than you talk
6. Truly value what a teammate must say
7. Share information and ideas with the team openly and honestly